Computer Learning Survey Computer Learning How much have you used computers before? Not at all A little bit Quite a bit What would you like to learn about computers? (Please tick any that apply) How to turn on and use a computer How to search for things on the internet How to send emails How to use social media (like Facebook) How to shop online safely Other What's the best way for you to learn new things? Reading instructions Watching videos Doing it with help from someone Asking questions in a group What kind of computer do you have? A big computer that sits on a desk A laptop that I can move around A small computer like an iPad I don’t have a computer When is a good time for you to learn? Weekday mornings Weekday afternoons Weekday evenings Weekends Do you need any special help with seeing or hearing things on the computer? Where do you feel most comfortable learning? At my own home In a place with other people Doesn’t matter to me Would you be willing to learn using your computer at home while a teacher guides you over the internet? Yes No Not sure, I need more information Would you like to learn how to fix simple problems on your computer? Yes No How should we contact you? Phone Call Email Text Message Letter in the mail Is there anything else you want to learn about using a computer? Your Name: Your Email Address: